Welcome! For membership
information, click here
Members attend programs without a fee … non-members are welcome at the lectures for a fee of $15 which also allows admittance to the following week's discussion group.
NEW THIS YEAR: one new location in addition to the usual one… (check out "Where do we meet?" on the left side of this page for directions) ... our event locations this year are:
Moorestown Community House 16 East Main Street Moorestown, NJ 08057
- Calvary Presbyterian Church,
300 Fourth St., Riverton, NJ 08077.
We offer two program types this year.
In addition to our lecture series, we offer a discussion group that will have as its topic the previous lecture along with a suggested reading.
The discussion group meetings begin at 2pm, finish at 3:30pm. We are planning to hold them at the Calvary Presbyterian Church in Riverton, NJ.
The lectures begin at 2pm, finish at 4pm. They are held at the Moorestown Community House in Moorestown, NJ. Please note: All programs are subject to cancellation if weather is inclement.
September 28, 2003 |
Lecture: "The Soul's Journey From Bethlehem to Calvary:
Its Symbolic and Psychological Meaning" We will explore the symbolic and psychological meaning
of the Birth, Baptism, Transfiguration, Crucifixion
and Resurrection.
John F. Golden, Licensed Professional Counselor*
National Certified Counselor* Certified Personal
Fitness Trainer AAAI/ISMA* Certified Yoga Instructor
Location:Moorestown Community House
Time:2pm - 4pm
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October 5, 2003 | Discussion
Book: The Christian Archetype: A Jungian Commentary on
the Life of Christ By Edward Edinger (Inner City
Location: Calvary Presbyterian Church,300 Fourth St., Riverton, NJ 08077, in the Memorial Room.
Time: 2:00-3:30
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October 19, 2003 | Lecture: "Meeting the Divine on the Road to
Santiago" We will explore how pilgrims project
unconscious content onto the world and recreate it as
symbolic terrain that reflects their inner life.
Armin Wanner, S.T.L., Diplomate of the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich* Practicing analyst in NYC* Faculty: New York Jung Institute, the Jung Foundation and the Open Court.
Location:Moorestown Community House
Time:2pm - 4pm
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November 2, 2003 | Discussion Book: Encounters with the Soul: Active Imagination, by
Barbara Hannah (Sigo Press) Location: Calvary Presbyterian
Church,300 Fourth St., Riverton, NJ 08077, in the Memorial Room.
Time: 2pm-3:30pm
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November 16, 2003 | Lecture: "Are Ancient Goddesses in Contemporary Consciousness?" Through music, slides and discussion, we will visit the time when God was worshipped as feminine. We will ask if there is a psychological and spiritual impact of these figures now.
Marita Digney, D.Min. Diplomate C.G. Jung Institute Zurich* Founder of the C.G. Jung Society of West Jersey* Director of Studies Philadelphia Jung Institute* Licensed psychologist-Jungian Analyst* Private practice Center City Philadelphia, PA.
Location:Moorestown Community House
Time:2pm - 4pm
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December 7, 2003 | Discussion
Book: "Goddesses in Everywomen" by Jean Shinoda
Bolen....Harper & Row, Publishers, New York Location:Calvary Presbyterian
Church,300 Fourth St., Riverton, NJ 08077, in the Memorial Room.
Time: 2:00-3:30
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February 1, 2004 | Lecture: "Images In Dreams" We will explore how the
unconscious speaks to us through dream images.
Cynthia Candelaria Ed.D in Counseling and Human
Development* Candidate in Training, Inter-Regional
Society of Jungian Analysts
Location:Moorestown Community House
Time:2pm - 4pm
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February 15, 2004 | Discussion
Book: Jungian Dream Interpretation: A Handbook of
Theory and Practice, by James Hall (Inner City Books)
Location: Calvary Presbyterian
Church,300 Fourth St., Riverton, NJ 08077, in the Memorial Room.
Time: 2:00-3:30
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March 7, 2004 | Lecture:"Depression and Creativity" Images from drawings and dreams of an analysand are both healing and reflective of a psychic landscape at a particular moment. We will view and discuss a series of drawings made during this particular analysis.
Sallie Bell, PhD.,
Diploma Analytical Psychology: C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich,Switzerland Jungian Analyst, Private Practice, Wilmington, Delaware
Location:Moorestown Community House
Time:2pm - 4pm
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March 21, 2004 | Discussion
A Study in the Process of Individuation by CG Jung,
Vol. 9 Location: Calvary Presbyterian
Church,300 Fourth St., Riverton, NJ 08077 in the Memorial Room.
Time: 2:00-3:30
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